Megabucks Numbers

  1. Megabucks Numbers For Today
  2. Past Megabucks Winning Numbers

Megabucks is one of the larger jackpot games available to players in the Sooner State. All Lotto publishes winning numbers and latest jackpots as soon as draws take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Disclaimer: Information found on this website is believed to be accurate. If you have questions about the winning numbers, contact the Lottery at (781) 848-7755 or visit your nearest Lottery agent or Lottery office for the official winning numbers.

The Hits Frequency above shows the number of times each lottery ball is drawn over a period of time. Based on this statistics, are you able to determine if a ball is likely or unlikely to be drawn in the next draw?

Megabucks Numbers

Does it mean that the ball that is drawn the least number of times is likely to be drawn in the next draw? Hotels near milwaukee. Or does it mean that this ball is 'cold' and unlikely to be drawn in the next draw?

Does it imply that the ball that is drawn the most number of times is unlikely to be drawn in the next draw? Or does it mean that this ball is on a 'hot streak' and is likely to be drawn in the next draw instead?

With any single Megabucks statistics, such as the Hits Frequency, it is not possible to determine if a ball is likely or unlikely to be drawn in the next draw.

Some people like to look at hot and cold numbers but this does not tell you a single thing!

Megabucks Numbers For Today

You need to be able to identify the thresholds to make a calculated guess with a high level of confidence.

Past Megabucks Winning Numbers

In addition, you also need to combine the analysis from multiple statistics in order to confidently decide if a ball is likely or unlikely to be drawn in the next draw. Bingo pull tab tickets.